Together to the Next StageSHIFT Growth Capital is an investment vehicle of SHIFT that supports
the growth of each company in accordance with their stage.

Increase Potential
Corporate Value

SHIFT Growth Capital is a new type
of investment vehicle aimed at creating
a smart IT society, centered on the SHIFT Group.
Based on the M&A and PMI models
cultivated by the SHIFT Group,
SHIFT Growth Capital focuses on lifting the potential
value of companies that desire growth and
fostering companies that can contribute to society.

Facing Each Company Sincerely, Building Soil for Them to Bloom into Large Flowers

To dramatically scale a business, it is essential to reform the fundamental foundation, such as improvement of sales and hiring capabilities. However, it is not something that can be achieved overnight.
SHIFT Growth Capital will face each company sincerely and pursue growth forms tailored to each company while further accelerating SHIFT's M&A.
It is our mission to build soil that can produce large flowers for our investment targets, using the know-how we have cultivated at SHIFT.
Through flexible M&A and deeper PMI, we will support the further expansion of the SHIFT Group and the growth of each new partner company.

Taichi HattoriCEO and Representative Director


Announcement of Acquisition of Manage Business Co., Ltd.
Announcement of Acquisition of HumanSystem Co., Ltd.
Announcement of Additional Acquisition of CREIT SOLUTIONS Inc.
Announcement of Succession of WAHL+CASE Business (Bilingual Recruiting Business) through a Company Split (a Simplified Absorption-type Company Split)
Announcement of Additional Acquisition of CREIT SOLUTIONS Inc.
Announcement of Acquisition of CIMTECH Inc.
Announcement of Acquisition of CREIT SOLUTIONS Inc.
Announcement of Acquisition of EQIQ K.K.’s WAHL+CASE Business (Bilingual Recruiting Business) through a Company Split (a Simplified Absorption-type Company Split) to Strengthen SHIFT’s Recruitment Capabilities and Expanding Service Portfolio
"MARR Online" and "MARR", a monthly magazine specializing in M&A, published a feature article on SHIFT's M&A/PMI strategy.
About “Future M&A/PMI Strategies and Briefing on ‘SHIFT Growth Capital'”
Established SHIFT Growth Capital

AboutAbout SHIFT Growth Capital

SHIFT Growth Capital Inc. was established to accelerate M&A in line with the expansion of the SHIFT Group's businesses. With strict governance and investment regulations, we will gather the knowledge of M&A/PMI cultivated by SHIFT and support the growth of each company in accordance with their stage, while closely collaborating with group companies.

MemberExecutive Team Members

CompanyCompany Overview

SHIFT Growth Capital Inc.
Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower, 1-3-1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041, Japan
President and CEO
Taichi Hattori
March 9th, 2022
M&A, Investment management, PMI
Shareholder and Ownership Ratio
SHIFT Inc. (100%)

PortfolioInvestment Track Record

GroupAbout the SHIFT Group

The SHIFT Group offers comprehensive IT solutions through "ONE-SHIFT" and provides a range of support services aimed at promoting "DX" and creating "sellable services" for its clients who are leading businesses across various industries. As part of the SHIFT Group, each company participates in projects that were previously challenging to undertake and engage in direct dealings with its clients as a prime vendor. By becoming a valuable partner that supports business success, the SHIFT Group helps drive growth for both its clients and its own. In the future, the SHIFT Group aims to strengthen the ties of "ONE-SHIFT," and serve as a solution provider for social issues while contributing to the enhancement of Japanese labor productivity and satisfying the demands of a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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CaseSHIFT M&A Case Studies

SHIFT is seeking business partners who can grow together. Through business and capital business alliances, SHIFT has solved problems such as difficulty (1) hiking rates due to being a subcontractor, (2) hiring talent, and (3) scaling despite technological capabilities. We would like to share some of our M&A case studies where businesses joined the SHIFT Group, leading to mutually beneficial business growth.

SustainabilitySHIFT`S ESG Policy

“We seek out new value concepts and work sincerely to provide value to the world.”Since its establishment in 2005, SHIFT has been conducting business activities based on this corporate philosophy while expanding the scope of influence in the information technology field. There are many issues related to software products that should make our lives more convenient, such as overwork due to a shortage of IT personnel, chronic structural problems in the software development industry, and security incidents such as personal information leaks. As a team of professionals in the software quality assurance and testing business, which has few competitors in the industry, SHIFT continues to grow based on a diverse range of initiatives aimed at improving not only the IT industry, but also the entire society, with the aim of “realizing a smart society.”

ESG Policy >

IRSHIFT IR information

If you would like to check the latest IR information on SHIFT Inc., you can do so from here.

IR library >